It’s a Natural Tooth Manjan & Ayurvedic medicine also. Corrects Teeth
& Gum Sensivity that occurs when you bite into hot or cold foods. It tightens
Gums, tackles germs & infections. Whitens teeth and provides much needed
Relief from tingling sensations and keeps mouth feeling from fresh & keeps
Away bad smelling.

Original price was: ₹35.00.Current price is: ₹25.00.

SKU: SHIV- 30 Category: Tags: , , , , ,

It’s a Natural Tooth Manjan & Ayurvedic medicine also. Corrects Teeth
& Gum Sensivity that occurs when you bite into hot or cold foods. It tightens
Gums, tackles germs & infections. Whitens teeth and provides much needed
Relief from tingling sensations and keeps mouth feeling from fresh & keeps
Away bad smelling.

Dose : Take sufficient powder on Brush
or Finger & rub on teeth for 5 minutes.

Dimensions 3 × 3 × 4 cm

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